This Subsection presents the STA mode in detail. NodeMCU would be work at STA mode to connect the wireless router. by setting-up TCP client, can connect to the remote server, and realize the remote control by Wechat, web-page and phone APP.
The example is including init.lua, sta.lua, and DoitCarControlSTA.lua.
init.lua is the entrance when NodeMCU starts. If no init.lua, then ignore it; if has, then start to run it. Therefore, If necessory, some code can be put here to start automatically. the code for init.lua is shown as follows.
23 print("\n")
24 print("ESP8266 Started")
26 local exefile="sta"
27 local luaFile = {exefile..".lua","DoitCarControlSTA.lua"}
28 for i, f in ipairs(luaFile) do
29 if then
30 file.close()
31 print("Compile File:"..f)
32 node.compile(f)
33 print("Remove File:"..f)
34 file.remove(f)
35 end
36 end
38 if".lc") then
39 dofile(exefile..".lc")
40 else
41 print(exefile..".lc not exist")
42 end
43 exefile=nil;luaFile = nil
44 collectgarbage()
line 1-2: print character;
line 4: define the compiled and run lc file. Note that, not including the suffix ".lc" and/or ".lua";
line 5: define the compiled lua file name;
line 6: use for cycle to complete the operation of many files;
line 7: judge whether the file exists; if no, ignor it, or compile it;
line 8: close the opened file;
line 9-12: complete the compile, automatically generate "";
line 16-20: judge whether the file exists, if yes, then compile the lc file;
line 21-22: release the memory.
In the DoitCarControlSTA.lua, would complete the initiation of GPIO port, setting-up for TCP client, try to connect periodically, and adjust of speed by timer. after successful connection and the received-data, would parse the data, and then realize the control of DoitCar. The source code is as follows.
122 --GPIO Define
123 function initGPIO()
124 --1,2EN D1 GPIO5
125 --3,4EN D2 GPIO4
126 --1A ~2A D3 GPIO0
127 --3A ~4A D4 GPIO2
129 gpio.mode(0,gpio.OUTPUT);--LED Light on
130 gpio.write(0,gpio.LOW);
132 gpio.mode(1,gpio.OUTPUT);gpio.write(1,gpio.LOW);
133 gpio.mode(2,gpio.OUTPUT);gpio.write(2,gpio.LOW);
135 gpio.mode(3,gpio.OUTPUT);gpio.write(3,gpio.HIGH);
136 gpio.mode(4,gpio.OUTPUT);gpio.write(4,gpio.HIGH);
138 pwm.setup(1,1000,1023);--PWM 1KHz, Duty 1023
139 pwm.start(1);pwm.setduty(1,0);
140 pwm.setup(2,1000,1023);
141 pwm.start(2);pwm.setduty(2,0);
142 end
144 --Control Program
145 print("Start DoitRobo Control");
146 initGPIO();
148 spdTargetA=1023;--target Speed
149 spdCurrentA=0;--current speed
150 spdTargetB=1023;--target Speed
151 spdCurrentB=0;--current speed
152 stopFlag=true;
154 tmr.alarm(1, 200, 1, function()
155 if stopFlag==false then
156 spdCurrentA=spdTargetA;
157 spdCurrentB=spdTargetB;
158 pwm.setduty(1,spdCurrentA);
159 pwm.setduty(2,spdCurrentB);
160 else
161 pwm.setduty(1,0);
162 pwm.setduty(2,0);
163 end
164 end)
166 local flagClientTcpConnected=false;
167 print("Start TCP Client");
168 tmr.alarm(3, 5000, 1, function()
169 if flagClientTcpConnected==false then
170 print("Try connect Server");
171 local conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, false)
172 conn:connect(6005,"");
173 conn:on("connection",function(c)
174 print("TCPClient:conneted to server");
175 flagClientTcpConnected = true;
176 end)
177 conn:on("disconnection",function(c)
178 flagClientTcpConnected = false;
179 conn=nil;
180 collectgarbage();
181 end)
182 conn:on("receive", function(conn, m)
183 print("TCPClient:"..m);
184 if string.sub(m,1,1)=="b" then
185 conn:send("cmd=subscribe&topic=".."car".."\r\n");
186 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="0" then --stop
187 pwm.setduty(1,0)
188 pwm.setduty(2,0)
189 stopFlag = true;
190 conn:send("ok\r\n");
191 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="1" then --forward
192 gpio.write(3,gpio.HIGH)
193 gpio.write(4,gpio.HIGH)
194 stopFlag = false;
195 conn:send("ok\r\n");
196 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="2" then --backward
197 gpio.write(3,gpio.LOW)
198 gpio.write(4,gpio.LOW)
199 stopFlag = false;
200 conn:send("ok\r\n");
201 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="3" then --left
202 gpio.write(3,gpio.LOW)
203 gpio.write(4,gpio.HIGH)
204 stopFlag = false;
205 conn:send("ok\r\n");
206 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="4" then --right
207 gpio.write(3,gpio.HIGH);
208 gpio.write(4,gpio.LOW);
209 stopFlag = false;
210 conn:send("ok\r\n");
211 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="6" then --A spdUp
212 spdTargetA = spdTargetA+50;if(spdTargetA>1023) then spdTargetA=1023;end
213 conn:send("ok\r\n");
214 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="7" then --A spdDown
215 spdTargetA = spdTargetA-50;if(spdTargetA《0) then spdTargetA=0;end
216 conn:send("ok\r\n");
217 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="8" then --B spdUp
218 spdTargetB = spdTargetB+50;if(spdTargetB>1023) then spdTargetB=1023;end
219 conn:send(spdTargetA.." "..spdTargetB.."\r\n");
220 elseif string.sub(m,1,1)=="9" then --B spdDown
221 spdTargetB = spdTargetB-50;if(spdTargetB<0) then spdTargetB=0;end
222 conn:send(spdTargetA.." "..spdTargetB.."\r\n");
223 else print("Invalid Command:"..m);end;
224 collectgarbage();
225 end)
226 end
227 end)
line 1-21: define initGPIO() function, init GPIO port;
line 25: run initGPIO() function;
line 27-30: define 4 variable used to remember the current and objective speed of left and right wheels;
line 31: define a label used to remember the stop state;
line 33-34: start the periodic timer1. It would compute the current and objective speed after each 200ms to realize the control of speed. By the timer, the current speed ouputs as a PWM cycle.
line 45: use the variable flagClientTcpConnected to remember the connection state of TCP client;
line 47: use the periodic timer3 to handle the TCP connection after each 5ms. Judge whether it is necessory to send a connection requirment by the flagClientTcpConnected. In this section, the server IP IS "", port="6005";
line 52-60: register the "connection" and "disconnection" case for the TCP Client, respectively;
line 61-104: show the code for realization of the received-data. By the different received-data, can do the relative response. In addtion, line 64 is sent the device name. When NodeMCU is connected to the remote server, then the character "b" is returned. At this time, the device name is need to submitted to the server. Note that, this device name can be used for the control by phone APP, web-page, and/or Wechat. In this section, the device name is tank;
line 103: use collectgarbage() function to show the release memory.
30 NodeMCU 0.9.6 build 20150406 powered by Lua 5.1.4
33 ESP8266 Started
34 Compile File:sta.lua
35 Remove File:sta.lua
36 Compile File:DoitCarControlSTA.lua
37 Remove File:DoitCarControlSTA.lua
38 Ready to Set up wifi mode
39 > Trying Connect to Router, Waiting...
40 Trying Connect to Router, Waiting...
41 Config done, IP is
42 Start DoitRobo Control
43 Start TCP Client
44 Try connect Server
45 TCPClient:conneted to server
46 TCPClient:b
48 TCPClient:cmd=subscribe&res=1
50 Invalid Command:cmd=subscribe&res=1
52 TCPClient:1
54 TCPClient:2
56 TCPClient:3
58 TCPClient:4