init.lua can be used as the applicaiton entrance for NodeMCU. If no, can ignore; if has, then run it. Therefore, some codes can be put here to run automatically after power.
1 print("\n")
2 print("ESP8266 Started")
4 local luaFile = {"fileName.lua"}
5 for i, f in ipairs(luaFile) do
6 if then
7 file.close()
8 print("Compile File:"..f)
9 node.compile(f)
10 print("Remove File:"..f)
11 file.remove(f)
12 end
13 end
15 luaFile = nil
16 collectgarbage()
18 dofile("");
line 1-2: print the character information; line 4: define the lua file, where "fileName" must be revised by different file. If many files need to be compiled, can be added in the later, such as, local luaFile = {"fileName1.lua","fileName2.lua"};
line 5: for cycle is used to complete the file operations for many files;
line 6: judge whether the file exists, if exists, then run, or ignore it;
line 7: close the opened files;
line 8-11: compete the complie, and generate "" automatically;
line 15-16: release memory;
line 17: run the completed binary file.
Tips: In lua, the variable type is default set as global. If the variabe is only used in this file, a key word "local" must be added. After that, the value is set as nil, and use collectgarbage() to show the release memory.
When downloading and restart NodeMCU, if a warm on memory not enough happens, shown in the following.
lua: init.lua:8: not enough memory
This is because memory consumption is big when Lua just starts, and it would normal after start is finished. Therefore, compile should be done after a while for the start.